April 18, 2016

Jonathan Repper presents his research

Jonathan Repper presented the results of his Master's research at a poster session for Pratt students and faculty today. This poster session allows the Pratt community to see the research that Master's candidates have conducted during their time at Duke. 

Jonathan's research focused on combining tissue-engineered liver and skeletal muscle constructs to explore the effects of drug metabolism on skeletal muscle. He etablished new protocols for functionally connecting the two systems. Using these new protocols, he compared the effects of toxic drugs on skeletal muscle with and without metabolism by cultured hepatocytes. He was able to show that liver metabolism significantly decreased the toxic effects of the drug. Other projects included exploring the use of a new hepatocyte growth media with protein concentrations that more closely resemble those found in vivo. 

The lab is delighted to celebrate Jonathan's accomplishments during his time at Duke. We look forward to seeing what he will do in industry!