Relation between non-uniform hemodynamics and sites of altered permeability and lesion growth at the rabbit aorto-celiac junction.

TitleRelation between non-uniform hemodynamics and sites of altered permeability and lesion growth at the rabbit aorto-celiac junction.
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1999
Authors, C Kleinstreuer, GA Truskey, and M Lei
Start Page27
Pagination27 - 40
Date Published03/1999

Using the rabbit's aorto-celiac junction as a representative atherosclerotic model, the hemodynamics of a bifurcating blood vessel are numerically simulated and three hemodynamic parameters are compared. The wall shear stress (WSS), the oscillatory shear index (OSI), and the spatial wall shear stress gradient (WSSG) are considered in this study. Locally enhanced wall permeabilities and intimal macrophages are generally considered to be involved in atherogenesis, and here the primary concern is with the hemodynamic influence on these early stages of the disease process. In comparing the segmental averages of the indicator functions and previously published intimal white blood cell densities, only the WSSG shows a statistically significant correlation. All three indicators have selective strengths in determining sites of early lesion growth around the aorto-celiac flow divider. At the proximal end of the flow divider on the lateral side of the orifice, there are elevated values of the OSI as well as WSSG and low WSS values. Regions of elevated wall permeabilities compare with the regions of elevated WSSG along the lateral and distal portions of the flow divider. Largely dependent upon the present input pulse with reverse flow, the OSI indicates relatively high values throughout the flow domain, however, it is important when utilized in conjunction with low WSS regions. This study presents a rationale for further quantitative correlative studies in the rabbit model based on additional histological data sets.

Short TitleAtherosclerosis